Type alias TuningOptions

TuningOptions: {
    constraints?: MonzoValue[];
    primeMapping?: boolean;
    temperEquaves?: boolean;
    units?: PitchUnits;
    weights?: Weights;

Options that determine how a temperament is interpreted as a musical tuning.

Type declaration

  • Optional constraints?: MonzoValue[]

    Invariant intervals i.e. eigenmonzos of the tuning.

  • Optional primeMapping?: boolean

    If true the intervals and mappings are given in terms of consecutive prime numbers instead of the basis of the subgroup.

  • Optional temperEquaves?: boolean

    If true tempering is applied to octaves as well (or whatever the first basis factor of the subgroup is).

  • Optional units?: PitchUnits

    The units pitch of intervals and mappings are measured in.

  • Optional weights?: Weights

    Importance weighting for the basis factors of the subgroup.

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