Construct an interval of Color Notation.
Zero indexed size class of the interval. A musical 6th has a stepspan of 5.
Complexity class of the interval. 0 = central, 1 = large, -1 = small etc.
The colors of the interval as a monzo with zero twos and threes components.
Stepspan adjustment. Adds pythagorean commas.
Complexity class of the interval. 0 = central, 1 = large, -1 = small etc.
The colors of the interval as a monzo with zero twos and threes components.
Stepspan adjustment. Adds pythagorean commas.
Zero indexed size class of the interval. A musical 6th has a stepspan of 5.
Get the (one-indexed) degree of the color interval.
fromConvert a monzo or fraction to an interval of Color Notation.
Monzo or fraction to convert.
Color interval corresponding to the fraction.
fromParse a string in abbreviated Color Notation into a ColorInterval
String to parse such as 'zg5'.
Instance of ColorInterval
fromParse a string in verbose Color Notation into a ColorInterval
String to parse such as 'Zogu Fifth'.
degree: numberOptional numeric degree.
Instance of ColorInterval
Generated using TypeDoc
Interval of Color Notation.