Function fromWarts

  • Calculate the val corresponding to the given warts as progressive modifications to the patent val.


    • edoOrWarts: string | number

      Number of equal divisions of the octave or a number followed by letters in Wart Notation such as '17c'.

    • primeLimit: number

      Highest prime to calculate the mapping for.

    Returns Val

    Array of the number of edo steps corresponding to each prime.

  • Calculate the val corresponding to the given warts as progressive modifications to the patent val.


    • divisionsOrWarts: string | number

      Number of divisions of the first formal prime or a number followed by letters of the alphabet corresponding to the formal primes in order.

    • jip: Jip

      An array of natural logarithms of (formal) primes.

    Returns Val

    Array of the number of steps corresponding to each (formal) prime.

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