

Moment of Symmetry (MOS) musical scale generation and analysis for Javascript

MOS scales consist of two intervals that are distributed as evenly as possible


npm i moment-of-symmetry


Documentation is hosted at the project Github pages.

To generate documentation locally run:

npm run doc


Generate a musical scale with 3 large steps and 4 small steps (3L 4s). The result is an array of degrees of 10edo.

import {mos} from 'moment-of-symmetry';

mos(3, 4); // [2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10]

Generate a diatonic (5L 2s) scale as a subset of 31edo. The large step is 5 edo-steps while the small step is 3 edo-steps.

mos(5, 2, {sizeOfLargeStep: 5, sizeOfSmallStep: 3, down: 1});  // [5, 10, 13, 18, 23, 28, 31]

Generate the whole chromatic scale in 12edo with a diatonic scale marked by 'parent' values.

mosWithDaughter(5, 2);
Map(12) {
1 => 'both',
2 => 'parent',
3 => 'both',
4 => 'parent',
5 => 'both',
6 => 'parent',
7 => 'parent',
8 => 'both',
9 => 'parent',
10 => 'both',
11 => 'parent',
12 => 'parent'

Generate the whole chromatic scale in 17edo.

mosWithDaughter(5, 2, {sizeOfLargeStep: 3, accidentals: 'both'});
Map(17) {
1 => 'flat',
2 => 'sharp',
3 => 'parent',
4 => 'flat',
5 => 'sharp',
6 => 'parent',
7 => 'flat',
8 => 'sharp',
9 => 'parent',
10 => 'parent',
11 => 'flat',
12 => 'sharp',
13 => 'parent',
14 => 'flat',
15 => 'sharp',
16 => 'parent',
17 => 'parent'

Get information about the modes of smitonic (4L 3s).

mosModes(4, 3);
period: 7,
numberOfPeriods: 1,
udp: '0|6',
mode: 'sLsLsLL',
modeName: 'Dagothic'
period: 7,
numberOfPeriods: 1,
udp: '1|5',
mode: 'sLsLLsL',
modeName: 'Almalexian'

Get an array of the MOS patterns of the Pythagorean temperament.

size: 7,
numberOfLargeSteps: 5,
numberOfSmallSteps: 2,
mosPattern: '5L 2s',
name: 'diatonic'
size: 12,
numberOfLargeSteps: 5,
numberOfSmallSteps: 7,
mosPattern: '5L 7s',
name: 'p-chromatic',
prefix: 'pychro',
abbreviation: 'pychro',
familyPrefix: 'pychro'