Number of scale steps to take in the first direction.
Number of horizontal screen units to advance in the first direction.
Number of vertical screen units to advance in the first direction.
Number of scale steps to take in the second direction.
Number of horizontal screen units to advance in the first direction.
Number of vertical screen units to advance in the first direction.
edgeConnect vertices separated by these screen units.
gridOptions for calculating gridlines.
maxMaximum number of edges to return.
maxMaximum number of vertices to return.
High horizontal extent of view in screen units.
High vertical extent of view in screen units.
mergeFlag to merge short edges into a long ones wherever possible.
Low horizontal extent of view in screen units.
Low vertical extent of view in screen units.
Number of scale steps in the interval of equivalence.
range?: numberSearch range for discovering vertices and edges in view.
Options for spanGrid.